Medicines Information
AMH Children’s Dosing Companion
Dosing guide for prescribing and administering medicines to children
Choice and Medication - Professionals
Patient information leaflets, translations, fact sheets, charts for mental health conditions and 170+ psychotropic drugs
Liverpool Drug Interactions Group Resources
Independent, evidence-based drug-drug interaction resources for HIV, hepatitis, COVID-19 and cancer
Paediatric Injectable Medicines Handbook
Paediatric Injectable Medicines Handbook provided by Westmead Children’s Hospital
Psychotropic Drug Directory
PDD supports the optimal and rational use of medicines, to improve the quality of life for people with mental health needs.
North West Only Journals
Emergency Medicine Reports
North West hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Oncology Nursing Forum
North West hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
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Social Work
North West hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
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South Only Journals
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
South hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR)
South hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
South hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement
South hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Physics in Medicine & Biology
South hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol Archive
South hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol Supplement Archive
South hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
North Only Journals
Annals Beyond the Guidelines
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Annals of Internal Medicine
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Journal of American Podiatric Medical Association
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Journal of Huntingtons Disease
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Journal of Laryngology & Otology
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Journal of Laryngology and Otology Archive
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network
Monographs - National Cancer Institute
North hospital users have access to this journal from your hospital network