An overview on searching, accessing and purchasing Australian and international Standards.

Before searching you will need to read  Australian & International Standards User Guide.

Before You Start

The Department maintains an online library of Australian and international Standards on the SAI Global Standards Online platform.

To view or download a document you find on the platform requires the following:

  • Installation of  Google Chrome Browser
  • Copy & Paste or go to i2i SAIGlobal website ( or search 'i2i australian standards') in Chrome Browser
  • Individual registration with your work email and a password
Finding Standards

The SAI Global Standards Online platform provides:

  • Online storage and access to 170+ subscription-active Standards for the Department of Health
  • A searchable library of 1.6M+ national and international Standards from 360+ publishers

There are 3 options for locating Department-subscribed (unlocked) and/or non-subscribed (locked) Standards:

  1. A targeted search by keyword, title or document number that can be filtered by "subscription only", publication date or status
  2. A browsable list of unlocked Standards
  3. A browsable subject directory


Accessing Locked Standards

Department staff who want to access a Standard that the Department of Health has no current subscription need to purchase the Standard to "unlock" the document.

To unlock a Standard requires:

  • Individual registration
  • The relevant cost centre code for your business unit/area for invoicing

Once a Standard is unlocked it is available for perpetual access as a Department of Health subscription via the SAI Global platform.

Tools that help Department staff stay up-to-date with new research in their topics or specialties of interest.

Journal Issue Alerts

Read and monitor the latest research in your favourite journals with Department journal tool BrowZine.

Read our BrowZine Journal Alerts User Guide.

For a short overview of BrowZine watch the BrowZine User Tutorial video.

Search Alerts

Have you run a search in an EPOCH database and want to maintain tracking the publication of new papers using this search?

Set up search alerts and receive automatic notifications through your work Outlook email account.

Useful for long-term research projects, and keeping current with key authors or new research in your specialty.

There are two folder options in Outlook email to direct alert notifications:

  1. Outlook Inbox folder
  2. Outlook RSS Subscriptions folder

For steps required to set up alerts in different databases read our Search Alerts User Guide.

Tools and applications that simplify Department staff research practices and workflows.

LibKey Nomad

A free browser plugin that connects you quickly to full-text articles in our collections and on the open web as you do research and come across the literature.

Read our LibKey Nomad User Guide.


Your personalised Dashboard and Folder on EPOCH that let you save journal articles, save searches, create projects and more.

All Department staff have access to a MyEBSCO account using Department login credentials.

For detailed information about accessing and making the most of your MyEBSCO account read our MyEBSCO Dashboard & Folder User Guide.

Zotero Citation Manager

A Department-supported tool that helps staff undertaking research or quality improvement projects collect, organise, cite and share research sources.

For a short overview of Zotero watch video How to Use Zotero: A Complete Beginner's Guide.

Find out more about Zotero.

To set up Zotero for Department work read our Zotero Citation Manager Setup Guide.

Library Links

A Google Scholar service for personal computers or devices. Library Links helps Department staff searching in Google Scholar discover and connect to full-text articles in EPOCH.

Activating EPOCH in Google Scholar on your personal computer

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Click Google Scholar Menu
    Image of screenshot of location
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click Library links
  5. Enter term 'EPOCH' in search box and click Search
  6. Tick box adjacent to Tasmania Health Service (EPOCH) - Find It @ EPOCH (DOH) and click Save
    Image of screenshot of setting Library links preferences for EPOCH in Google Scholar

Google Scholar search results will now signpost to EPOCH full-text with a Find It @ EPOCH (DOH) link.

Image of screenshot example of Find it at EPOCH hyperlink

Joanna Briggs PACES Tool

A quality improvement project tool for Department staff to conduct efficient, time saving, evidence-based clinical audits.

To find out more about JBI PACES visit the JBI PACES homepage.

For step-by-step instruction using PACES watch the JBI PACES video series or visit the JBI PACES Knowledge Base.

Department staff are required to register for an individual JBI account to use JBI tools PACES or SUMARI.

How to register for JBI PACES

  1. Visit the JBI PACES login/registration page
  2. Follow authentication steps using your Department login credentials if registering offsite
  3. Click Register New User
  4. Complete JBI User Registration form and Submit
  5. Click Login
  6. Enter new username/password and Submit

TIP: Once a JBI account is created, bookmark or save the JBI PACES login/registration page as a favourite on your browser to maintain easy login access.

Joanna Briggs SUMARI Tool

An online tool that gives Department staff end-to-end support to conduct 10 different types of systematic reviews, from protocol development to writing the final report.

To find out more about SUMARI visit the JBI SUMARI homepage.

For step-by-step instruction using SUMARI watch the JBI SUMARI video series or visit the JBI SUMARI Knowledge Base.

Consider engaging specialist support conducting an evidence synthesis and consult your closest health librarian.

Department staff are required to register for an individual JBI account to use JBI tools PACES or SUMARI.

How to register for JBI SUMARI

  1. Visit the JBI SUMARI login/registration page
  2. Follow authentication steps using your Department login credentials if registering offsite
  3. Click Register New User
  4. Complete JBI User Registration form and Submit
  5. Click Login
  6. Enter new username/password and Submit

TIP: Once a JBI account is created, bookmark or save the JBI SUMARI login/registration page as a favourite on your browser to maintain easy login access.

Search tools and services for better, faster searching.

Evidence-Based Practice Guided Search

Your pathway through EPOCH resources to help prioritise best evidence for decision-making and research.

Grey Literature Search
Database Search Filters