Investigating safety events using Root Cause Analysis methodology


Hospitals South Quality and Patient Safety Service is offering to interested staff a number of full-day workshops on Root Cause Analysis methodology. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a recognised methodology used for reviewing serious safety events.

Attending this course will provide participants with knowledge and understanding about processes and systems and identifying opportunities to improve.

The course is suitable for individuals who are available to participate in RCA investigations or involved in reviewing safety events at any level. The skills and knowledge of RCA are applicable and relevant across a range of activities including SAC 3 or SAC 4 safety event reviews, London Protocol investigations, quality improvement and systems analysis as well as participation on RCA panels.

If you are interested in participating, please:

  • Ensure you are able to attend for the full day and that this is supported by your manager/supervisor
  • Express your interest by emailing with your name, position/role and unit/department

Workshop Dates

  • Wednesday March 15th
  • Wednesday June 14th
  • Wednesday September 13th


Lands Building, 134 Macquarie Street, Hobart


