@Your Library New Books

Highlights from the Department's print book collection located at Library Catalogue Home
Staff who wish to borrow a title from this latest selection of new books should email their branch library with their contact details.
Evidence Based Hand and Upper Extremity Protocols
2nd Edition
Evidence Based Hand and Upper Extremity Protocols (Second Edition) is a comprehensive manual with a total of 95 therapy treatment protocols, 23 of them new, for the most common surgical and nonsurgical diagnoses of the upper extremity.
Making Sense of Critical Appraisal
This handy pocket companion provides all the necessary guidance on how to understand medical research publications, read them critically and decide whether the content of those papers is clinically useful in the care of patients.
Illustrated throughout with medically relevant examples, the accessible text encompasses all relevant aspects of study design and clinical audit to give a clear framework to support critical reading for the novice and more experienced reader.
Making Sense of Organizational Change and Innovation in Health CareAn Everyday Ethnography
This book explores the hospital via organisational ethnography (OE), an approach that involves a mix of fieldwork methods designed to analyse the hospital which also includes participatory observation, qualitative interviews and shadowing.
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics
- Neil J. Salkind
- Bruce B. Frey - University of Kansas, USA
Now in its Seventh Edition, Neil J. Salkind’s bestselling Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics with new co-author Bruce B. Frey teaches an often intimidating subject with a humorous, personable, and informative approach that reduces statistics anxiety.
With instruction in SPSS®, the authors guide students through basic and advanced statistical procedures, from correlation and graph creation to analysis of variance, regression, non-parametric tests, and more.
The Seventh Edition includes new real-world examples, additional coverage on multiple regression and power and effect size, and a robust interactive eBook with video tutorials and animations of key concepts.
In the end, students who (think they) hate statistics will understand how to explain the results of many statistical analyses and won’t be intimidated by basic statistical tasks.
Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Professions
4th Edition
Making decisions informed by evidence means that healthcare can be provided responsibly, collaboratively, effectively, and sustainably. Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Professions is designed to guide and support students and clinicians to learn how to make evidence-informed decisions.
This book will help you learn how to decide what clinical questions to ask, search for research evidence to answer them, and analyse the evidence to decide if the results are believable, important, and applicable. You will learn how to talk with patients about evidence and make collaborative decisions and how to approach evidence implementation at an individual and organisational level.
Written by international and discipline leaders in evidence-based practice across a range of health professions, the fourth edition has been fully updated in line with the latest developments in this field from around the world.