Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health

Aboriginal Cultural Respect in Health Services
THEO eLearning module for Department staff that requires DoH login
Cancer Australia Resources for Health Professionals
Evidence-based resources to support work with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people affected by cancer
Cultural Safety for Health Professionals
Health profession portal to support resources for delivering culturally safe, accessible and responsive healthcare
Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention
Clinician resources for supporting mental health and social and emotional wellbeing
Medical Specialist Access Framework
RACP guide for health sector stakeholders to promote and support equitable access to specialist care for Australia's Indigenous peoples
National Diabetes Services Scheme Diabetes Learning Module
Online module for health professionals working with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people living with diabetes
Working with Aboriginal People: Enhancing Clinical Practice in Mental Health Care
NSW Health guide for services designing, delivering and evaluating care that improves mental health and wellbeing outcomes for First Peoples
- Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Presenting to Hospital with Self-Harm and Suicidal Thoughts
- Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease Guideline
- Best Practice Guide to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Care for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People Attending Primary Care
- Cultural Considerations: Providing End-of-Life Care for Aboriginal Peoples & Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- National Guide to a Preventive Health Assessment for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People
- Optimal Care Pathway for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People with Cancer
- Key Health Indicators Tasmania - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2020
- Improving Aboriginal Cultural Respect Across Tasmania's Health System Action Plan 2021-2026
- APHRA Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Safety Strategy 2020-2025
- Closing the Gap Report 2020
- Cultural Competency in the Delivery of Health Services for Indigenous People
- National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2021-2031
- NSQHS Standards User Guide for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health
Alcohol & Other Drugs Knowledge Centre
AOD research addressing harm reduction in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
Translational research in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health
Australian Institute of Health & Welfare
AIHW products, reports and statistics for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health
Health Evidence Tool
Public health interventions effectiveness reviews
Informit SEARCH
Australian and Asia-Pacific health and social care
Joanna Briggs EBP Database
Point-of-care resources, evidence summaries and reviews for all specialties
Learning Ground
National and international research on Indigenous education
Lowitja Llt.Search
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health research by topic
TRIP Database
Principal clinician search tool for best evidence
Cancer Council
Fact sheets on cancer, diagnosis, treatment and support for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people
Deadly Choices
Health promotion initiative to empower Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples to make healthy choices for themselves and their families
Palliative Care Australia
Discussion starter guides for support making end-of-life decisions
Raising Children Network
Resources for health professionals working with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander parents
Social, emotional and cultural wellbeing resources
Yarn Safe
headspace's Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander mental health information and resources